There are a lot of people that think substitute teaching is an easy job. Some even think that we aren't as important as "real" teachers.
Well, our job isn't easy that's for sure-- and without us, "real" teachers would have it pretty rough!
Sometimes we are fortunate to have subbing days scheduled a week or a few days ahead of time. These are the best because we know ahead of time we are working that day. Other times we get a call at 9pm the night before... or maybe get that wake up call at 6:30 from the automated sub calling system. And there's also the frustration of having missed an automated call and therefore, missed out on a work day altogether.
When we do get that call, our day may start during a huge range of time in the morning. Depending on how far the school is away, when we got the call, and when the school day starts at that particular school dictates when and how quickly we get up and get ready for the day.
We arrive at the school, check in the office, and try to find the classroom where we're working. Then we spend a few minutes reading the note that's [hopefully] been left and going over the lesson plans and materials [that are hopefully laid out where we can find them]!
Then our day begins. We spend the day trying to keep the students behaving and under control and teach the lessons as the teacher has planned them, while also trying to learn students' names and get to know them a little. Every classroom is different, some days we are fortunate to work in a classroom that is well-behaved and mannerly, and our day goes quickly and pleasantly. Then there are also the days where we walk into a classroom that's chaotic and disorganized, the students are poorly behaved, and everything just seems to go wrong. Thankfully, the good days usually far outnumber the bad days, but that's the thing about being a substitute- every day is different.
Being a substitute teacher is sometimes very challenging, but it can also be rewarding at the same time. I hope to be a full time teacher someday soon. But for now, I enjoy being a "real" substitute teacher.
It doesn't always happen but I think full time teachers need to remember that they were probably once "just a sub" and do their very best to make sure everything is available and easily understood for the subs. A short note of "insight" into the students they have is also a lovely idea. These are things to think about BEFORE you get sick or have to "call off" for some reason. I always thought that walking into a strange classroom for just one or two days had to be the hardest job ever.